Sunday 22 May 2011

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under My Eyes

I wanted to know "How to get rid of dark circles under my eyes?" This was a question I wanted to know for a long time. But recently having dark circles under my eyes started to effect me more because people started to comment on them saying how tired and over worked I looked. This really upset me at the time but I can now look back on it as a blessing in disguise as this was what I needed to really find a regime to clear my under eye dark circles.

After researching and using many different treatments and home remedies I finally managed to find a routine that helped me 100% get rid of dark circles under my eyes. This has made me look over 10 years younger at least and helped boost my confidence. I can finally leave the house feeling awake and alive knowing that I look good, I also get compliments on how good I look.

If you want the routine it will cost you $12.99 for an e-book, only kidding scroll down and it's all there free of charge for my wonderful followers!


Step 1
Drink 6-8 cups of water per day. Not only will this help to reduce dark circles under your eyes but it is also important for your over-all health.

Step 2
Get two tea bags, preferably green tea and organic, place the tea bags in hot water for a few minutes before removing and leaving to cool. Once the tea bags have cooled make sure you have a quiet room with a relaxing atmosphere and place the tea bags over the eyes. Leave on for at least 15 minutes before removing. This will help to reduce the capillaries under the eyes and reduce the darkness.

Step 3
Purchase a cream that contains vitamin K. This is a well known vitamin for helping to get rid of dark circles under eyes. To use start from the nose and rub underneath the eye are until completely covered. Do this for 2-3 minutes lightly massaging around the eye area. Wait for around 15 to 30 minutes for it to absorb into the skin before applying any make-up. You should use the best under eye concealer for dark circles if you want to make sure there are no chemicals in your make-up causing the skin around the eye are to become damaged.

Step 4
Diet can play a big part in dark circles and bags under the eyes. If you do not get a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables you are most likely deficient in some vitamins and minerals that could be causing the dark circles under your eyes. If you do eat a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables per day and think that a mineral or vitamin deficiency is causing your condition I would recommend getting a test done by your doctor.

Step 5
If you have an office job chances are you spend 99% of your time in front of a computer screen with very little time to exercise. If this is the case with you just finding an hour a day to exercise can massively help to reduce dark circles under your eyes and your over-all complexion. Exercises helps in many different ways including better blood flow and strengthening the organs.

Step 6
The last and very important step is making sure you get plenty of sleep and rest. Just by setting a day or two a week were you do nothing but relax can massively help your energy levels and under eye dark circles.

These were the steps that answered my original question of how to get rid of dark circles under my eyes. Now the steps are not in exact order but if you follow the above steps you should see an improvement within 30 days or less. Hope this helped and look forward to your comments.


  1. Since eyes is the first thing people notice good to know your share tips on how to get rid dark circles under eyes. I find is useful. happy to be here.

    1. There are also plenty of cosmetic treatments available, including Zax’s Original Bags Under The Eyes Cream.
